Tips & Tricks with Firefox DevTools

A series of productivity tips and tricks to help you debug web applications with Firefox DevTools.

If you wonder why this came to be, the reasons are simple enough:

  • I’ve been using the Firefox DevTools every single day since they were being developed. Initially as the QA Owner for a bunch of them and after that in my day to day work as a JavaScript Developer on the open web.
  • The Chrome DevTools get a lot more love on the internet, but Firefox DevTools have an amazing engineering team behind them with a lot of useful features. Some are on par with Chrome, some are better and some aren’t even in Chrome yet. Of course some are better in Chrome (I’m looking at you, Debugger), and I’ll be sure to point out the differences for the tricks I’m showing when there is a difference between the two.

I’m trying to make this into a weekly thing, I’ve gathered so many tricks over the years. If you’ve liked this or want to see more, I’m @avolakatos on Twitter, follow me there, that’s where the magic happens.